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CALL CENTER SIMULATOR is a multiplayer virtual reality game developed for use with both the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive.  Players engage in epic toy gun fights in this ground-breaking social game developed by Monster Vault Entertainment.

Skills Demonstrated

Tasking & Scheduling

Risk Management

Cross Functional Team lead

Role / Affiliation

Project Manager

Monster Vault Entertainment


Talent acquisition

Emerging technology research & design


Project Status

Developed throughout 2017


CALL CENTER SIMULATOR was an incredibly difficult game to make because of it's massively multiplayer feature set & the use of Improbable's SpatialOS software and unquie scripting language. Utilizing various emerging technolgies and developing an innovative movement system immense challenges. 

The Prototype

CALL CENTER SIMULATOR 2018 was a prototype created byJosh Cazel (technical designer) and Austin Herington (designer) in early 2017.  This VR shooting range featured loadable, cockable, firable toy guns, as well as most of the core functionality later seen in CALL CENTER SIMULATOR.

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