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The Junior Achievement project's goal is to not only propel Junior Achievement of Arizona into the digital age, but to also allow the next generation to gain valuable financial literacy skills.

By using stealth learning mechanics in a fun game environment, students will be immersed in a realistic financial simulation and be passively learning throughout their play session, no matter how long or short.  

Skills Demonstrated

Team building

Public Speaking & Presentations

Client relations

Role / Affiliation

Game Director & Producer

Junior Achievement of Arizona


Develop Educational Objectives 

Liaison with Clients

Run UAT Internship Program

Oversee Launch

Project Status

In Development 

Soft Launch in Fall 2019

The original prototype for Junior Achievement was developed in the Fall of 2018 by UAT Production Studio's. As of Ocotober 2019, 5 classrooms in Phoenix, AZ have incorporated the game as part of their cirriculum. 


The final version is set for release to all participating schools in the Spring of 2020. Ultimately, we expect this game will be experienced by over 80,000 Arizona students within its first full year of implementation.

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