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Fall 2015

Hohokam: A Deeper Map

Team Lead - Serious Games

- Liaison with Client about requests & needs 

- Organize regular client check-ins

- Determine gameplan (project plan) based on client feedback 

- Research existing maps & cultural references 

- Determine best possible implementation methods (incld. VR, AR, museum exhibit, etc.) 

Clients requested an interactive map experience to educate future generations about the past Hohokam natives and how their culture influenced the modern Pheonix we live in today.

Speaking Engagements

Summer 2016 

1. Phoenix Fan Fest (prev. Phoenix ComiCon)

2. GameOn Expo

- Developed & proposed the idea for panel

- Organized panel members 

- Created panel agenda & presentation 

- Liaison with UAT for marketing & content approval

Summer 2015

ASU W.P. Carey's Mock-Budget Legislative Simulation

Gamification Advisor 

- Reviewed materials for simulation ahead of time 

- Extensive meetings with the developer & facilitator Taylor Young

- Observed full 3-day simulation 

- Gathered valuable feedback from participants 

- Proposed rule updates & potential overall production improvements

Fall 2017 

Chill Out (created for the AZ Tech Council)

Marketing & On-Site Representative 

Personnel Support

- Ensured team members had everything they needed, includ. software, hardware, office equpment, space to work, & client contacts

- Acted as product repreentative during event 

- Ran playtests, assisting testers in understanding controls & overall gameplay

- Responsible for tracking, maintaining, & ensuring all tech, equipment, & software was available & working at the site on the day of the event

Spring 2019 - Summer 2019

Bug Hunt : Colonial Infintry

Production Support

- Edited all playtesting footage & video(s) needed 

- Created trailers & promo materials

- Personnel support, incld. supplying RedBull 

- Developed slide shows & presentations

- Outilned milestones & helped determine achievable deadlines for different feature sets

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