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THE THRESHOLD  is a single-player virtual reality game for the Oculus Rift.  Players are driven insane in their quest for knowledge as they desperately seek out Yog-Sothoth, the Lurker at the Threshold. In their quest for knowledge, they must complete puzzles and decode the voices of the past to find their long lost love in this terrifying Lovecraftian experience.

threshold title card.png

Skills Demonstrated

Time Management 

Risk Assessment 




Role / Affiliation

Project Lead 

Summer 2019 Game Jam


Develop project plan 

Moderate team planning

Track team availability 

Tasking & progress tracking QA

Support & assist team

Project Status

Developed in July 2019

THE THRESHOLD was built over the course of 48 hours at the University of Advancing Technology (UAT) during one of the local Game Jams they host. You can check out The Threshold on 

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  • YouTube
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